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Joshua Nelson

Written by Joshua Nelson, a developer at Airbnb who wants to make the web faster for everyone. Opinions expressed are my own.

See my blog posts

I write as well, check out my posts.



It lets you type big. It's useful, trust me.

⚛️ React ES6 explainer

ES5, ES2015, JSX, React, What? I made a tool where you can explore a snippet of code, and click through to the documentation for various bits of syntax.

😂 Random emoji bot

I created a twitter account that posts random emojis in random combinations. I forgot how I deployed it, but it's still going, somehow. #devops

🔘 Atlaskit

Worked on the team that created Atlaskit, an accessible and beautiful component library written in React.

⚔️ wpt-gauntlet

A tool for benchmarking webpages consistently, using the webpagetest API

More by me

Open source contributions

  • Linaria, a CSS in JS framework with static style extraction

Speaking engagements

I love teaching and mentoring people, and speaking is one of the ways that I've done that in the past.

[2020] A React service worker framework

Some people think React is easy to understand, and some people thing it's super difficult. How can both be true? I go over different approaches for explaining React, techniques for explaining more effectively, and some gotchas and pitfalls that people often experience (some of which might surprise you!)

Given at React Summit 2020.

Watch the video here!

[2018] React explained, explained

Some people think React is easy to understand, and some people thing it's super difficult. How can both be true? I'll go over different approaches for explaining React, techniques for explaining more effectively, and some gotchas and pitfalls that people often experience (some of which might surprise you!)

Given at NationJS 2018.

Watch the video here!

See the talk slides and notes

[2018] Meaningful performance metrics

If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. But measuring load time is easy, right? "Load time" is an outdated concept, as single page app experiences take over the web. We need better metrics to measure what our users are really feeling.

Given at RVAJS 2018.

Watch the video here

See the talk slides and notes

Other engagements